بناء سوريا المستقبل
We build the future of Syria

معًا نعمل لتحقيق التنمية والإبداع في سوريا

تطوير المجتمع

ساهم في بناء مجتمع مدني متطور.

نحو مستقبل أفضل للجميع.

نحقق الإبداع والابتكار.

الحرية أولاً
بناء الوطن

نبني سوريا معًا من جديد

بعد صراع طويل، حصلت سوريا على حريتها. نحن نعمل جميعًا لبناء بلدنا وتحقيق التنمية والإبداع. يمكنك المساهمة في تحقيق سوريا حضارية.

A wooden map of Syria featuring detailed engravings of cities and landmarks is prominently displayed. To the right, a partial view of a framed sign with Arabic script is visible. The background is softly blurred, lending focus to the map.
A wooden map of Syria featuring detailed engravings of cities and landmarks is prominently displayed. To the right, a partial view of a framed sign with Arabic script is visible. The background is softly blurred, lending focus to the map.
رؤيتنا لمستقبل سوريا
مساهمتك تصنع الفرق

نحن نؤمن بأن كل فرد يمكنه المساهمة في بناء سوريا جديدة. معًا، سنعمل على تحقيق التنمية المستدامة وخلق بيئة حضارية تعكس قيمنا وثقافتنا الغنية.

خدماتنا المتميزة

نحن نعمل على بناء سوريا الحديثة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة والإبداع.

A vibrant mural on the side of a building with geometric patterns and shapes in various bright colors, featuring the text 'CREATIVITY IS IN ALL OF US'. The mural is located at the London Graphic Centre. The background includes a yellow brick wall and other urban elements such as doors and a lamp.
A vibrant mural on the side of a building with geometric patterns and shapes in various bright colors, featuring the text 'CREATIVITY IS IN ALL OF US'. The mural is located at the London Graphic Centre. The background includes a yellow brick wall and other urban elements such as doors and a lamp.
التنمية المستدامة

نقدم حلولاً مبتكرة لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في البلاد.

الإبداع والابتكار

ندعم المشاريع الإبداعية التي تسهم في تطوير المجتمع السوري.

بناء المجتمع

نعمل على تعزيز التعاون بين أفراد المجتمع لبناء سوريا أفضل.

مشاريع سورية

نحن نعمل معًا لبناء مستقبل مشرق لسوريا.

A traditional Middle Eastern street scene with sand-colored buildings and wooden beams jutting from the walls. Small balconies with latticework are adorned with flags. The courtyard-like setting is lined with blue doors on one side and features a wooden cart with metal pots in the foreground. The area is lit by several wall-mounted lanterns.
A traditional Middle Eastern street scene with sand-colored buildings and wooden beams jutting from the walls. Small balconies with latticework are adorned with flags. The courtyard-like setting is lined with blue doors on one side and features a wooden cart with metal pots in the foreground. The area is lit by several wall-mounted lanterns.
تنمية مستدامة

مشاريع تهدف لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في البلاد.

A traditional Middle Eastern building with Arabic calligraphy on the facade. The structure features earthy tones, with arched windows and wooden elements. A few wooden benches and potted plants are placed in the courtyard, which is paved with stone. A bird is seen flying above the building.
A traditional Middle Eastern building with Arabic calligraphy on the facade. The structure features earthy tones, with arched windows and wooden elements. A few wooden benches and potted plants are placed in the courtyard, which is paved with stone. A bird is seen flying above the building.
إبداع وابتكار

نركز على الإبداع والابتكار في جميع المجالات.

A colorful mural painted on the side of a building, featuring geometric shapes and patterns. The words 'Create More' are prominently displayed in white against a vibrant background of red, blue, teal, and orange. The artwork includes stylized clouds integrated into the design.
A colorful mural painted on the side of a building, featuring geometric shapes and patterns. The words 'Create More' are prominently displayed in white against a vibrant background of red, blue, teal, and orange. The artwork includes stylized clouds integrated into the design.
A brick wall features graffiti-style text that reads 'FUTURE IS CREATIVE' in bold purple letters against an orange background. Surrounding the text are vibrant spray-painted patterns in shades of blue, red, and white, providing a colorful and artistic backdrop.
A brick wall features graffiti-style text that reads 'FUTURE IS CREATIVE' in bold purple letters against an orange background. Surrounding the text are vibrant spray-painted patterns in shades of blue, red, and white, providing a colorful and artistic backdrop.
مشاركة مجتمعية

ندعو الجميع للمشاركة في بناء مجتمع مدني قوي.

تحقيق السلام

نعمل على تحقيق السلام والاستقرار في سوريا.

تواصل معنا لبناء سورية الحضارية

ساهم معنا في تحقيق التنمية والإبداع في سورية الحرة.

A wooden sign mounted on a textured wall, featuring inscriptions in multiple languages including English, Hebrew, and Arabic. The text mentions the 'Carmel Osfiye heritage center and the development of the Druze woman.' At the center of the sign is a stylized arch and stars in green, red, blue, yellow, and white. Contact numbers are displayed at the bottom.
A wooden sign mounted on a textured wall, featuring inscriptions in multiple languages including English, Hebrew, and Arabic. The text mentions the 'Carmel Osfiye heritage center and the development of the Druze woman.' At the center of the sign is a stylized arch and stars in green, red, blue, yellow, and white. Contact numbers are displayed at the bottom.